
16 Aug 2011

Veatable Bar

The Lunch Box Super Snack
World’s First Vegetable Bar Launches

Trying to find lunch box food that is healthy AND kids will want to eat is a bit like searching for the Holy Grail, but the hunt could finally be over!

It sounds too good to be true, but the Veatable Bar is the world’s first vegetable snack bar; it’s made from diced and roasted vegetables, is 100% natural, gluten and wheat free, suitable for vegetarians, contains only 99 calories per bar, is high in fibre and counts as one of your five-a-day.
The bar comes in three flavours; Sweet Roasted Vegetable, Tomato Pizza and Thai Sweetcorn - making it a ‘super snack’ for kids and adults alike.

The Veatable Bar is the brain child of husband and wife team, Howard and Helena Beveridge, and was created as they were so frustrated at how hard it was to find a healthy, great tasting savoury alternative to crisps and biscuits.

At first the couple were just making the bars in their kitchen for themselves and their family, but soon they found that everyone who tried them was loving their intriguingly tasty snacks, and they realised they had something really special on their hands.

“Our snacks were unlike anything else around – entirely natural, savoury not sweet, fresh from the fridge not the cupboard, soft and chewy, not crunchy. We realised we’d found a great way to keep hunger at bay without setting off those awkward cravings for more sugary, fatty snacks.” - Helena Beveridge

Veatable Bars finally make healthy snacking, for yourself or your family, easy and tasty. So, if you’re looking for a scrumptious way for your family to meet their five-a –day then Veatable Bars are a must for any lunch box.

I have copied and pasted the press release above as it holds so much vital information, the bars are a great idea and a wonderful alternative to other types of snack bar - however ... we as a family unfortunately didn't like them.
I'll admit we are not the most healthy of families so I was a bit dubious of asking my family to try them, so I just put them in the fridge and sat back and waited.

The colourful packaging drew them in, I could hear my husband rumidging about in the fridge umming and ahhing over 'Tomato Pizza or Thai Sweetcorn'.  He went for pizza, unwrapped and took a big bite!  Bad move for Andy as his face changed and he spat it out.  I told him not to tell Emma and sent him off with a cup of tea and a cereal bar.   Soon Emma was lurking around the fridge, she chose Thai Sweetcorn which surprised me as she isn't normally a 'spicy' child, the yellow packaging on this bar is a lovely colour and from the outside it does look very appetising.  Emma was a little more cautious and sniffed it first and nibbled off a corner, it was then her face changed and she gave the bar to me with a 'What is that!?!' look and poured herself a drink.

It is such as shame as the bars are a brilliant idea.  Now that schools are clamping down on crisps and chocolate in lunch boxes they are an excellent alternative, easy to store and pack, eye-catching and clean to eat.  The nutritional value of each bar is fantastic and they count towards your 5-a-day.  They are just not for us.

I will point out that you have to keep them chilled, the packaging looks great but the bars look vaguely similar when unwrapped and they do all smell near on the same as well.  The bars we sampled did not have a very long shelf life  as they are a fresh product - so be aware when buying that you have to consume them quite quickly.

Our bars did not go to waste, we found that our Labrador liked them so she polished them off for us, being healthy they were a great treat for her too and she thought she was getting a new snack from the fridge.  My advice is to try them - just because they weren't for us ... your family may love them :)

For more details visit
To buy ask at your local health store or visit and look in the savoury snack section.