
18 Nov 2009



There's nothing like a glass of bubbly at a party ... but what do you drink if you are pregnant, on medication, under 18, not one for drinking alcohol, the dedicated driver, or even a recovering alcoholic ?? Easy .... Shloer.

Party's are great, you get to let your hair down, chat with friends, maybe have a bit of a boogy .... but not all party's revolve around alcohol! You do not need to drink to have a good time, but sometimes you do get a bit miffed at always have to drink orange juice or fizzy pop.

Shloer has many different flavours, but they have just brought out a Rosé variety. It is a blend of red and white grapes - and is a perfect alternative for those who do not wish to drink.
Shloer also comes in a glass bottle which is a bit posher than a carton or a plastic 2 litre bottle, makes you feel special.

I held a party recently and put a few bottles on the table for people to help themselves, my daughter Emma (8) thought it was great to drink 'wine' (she even used a wine glass), I didn't have to worry about her and she happily helped herself all evening.
I now know what to let her drink on Christmas Day and New Years Eve .. with a little sparkle its like champagne without the headache .. I might even drink it myself.

Now for the taste: Its looks good, lovely colour, nice sparkle .. but I found it a bit sweet for me. I do however prefer white wine to Rosé (as I find Rosé sweet) so this may be why I find the Shloer sweet. My Sister-In-Law loves it! even took a bottle home, she loves Rosé so there must be a connection.

A great alternative to alcohol and boring old pop ... a must for the party season! I'll definitely be stocking up.

Visit for cocktail recipes and tips on how to make meals "sparkle".
Available from all major supermarkets - look out for promotions.

Shloer is also on Facebook !!
Their page is reguarly updated with recipe ideas, shopping lists and where Shloer is on offer. Fans can post ideas and recipes on the wall or just share with fellow fans their Shloer party news. To join up with Shloer on Facebook click here:

My rating: 8/10

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