
8 Dec 2009

Bio-Grape Pastes

Bio-Grape Pastes

Cheese. Boring? Fattening? A luxury? An everyday item? Cheese has many different uses and regardless of your families background or status you most likely use cheese in one way or another.

We like cheese sauces (especially with cauliflower), cheese on toast, cheese sandwiches and my favourite is cheese on crackers.

With Christmas coming up you see lots of different cheeses appear in the supermarkets, the Cheddar's and Red Leicester's take a back seat to make way for various soft cheeses, cheeses with apricots or cranberry, cheese with wax rinds, cheese so strong you can taste it for a week and cheeses from other countries.

Every household normally has a big selection box of crackers at Christmas (cream crackers not the ones with the BANG and the silly joke), in our family you know its Christmas when my Mother-in-law buys a box and my Father-in-law starts waffling on about 'a nice bit of blue cheese' and the year of his port in the cupboard.

This year our cheese & crackers after Christmas Dinner are going to be special, this year we also have Bio-Grape Pastes to add to our laden crackers to compliment our cheese and bring out the flavour. Gone are the 'You must eat this cheese with grapes' law as we are replacing our seedless grapes with succulent grape paste.

Australian Harvest's Bio-Grape are a new range of organic pastes, they come in many different flavours and variations, so like wine you have a taste to compliment different flavours and strengths of cheeses (or foods as you can just use the pastes like a jelly and eat them on crackers on their own).

You can enjoy Bio-Grape pastes with any type of cheese, but they suggest you try the fruity pastes, such as Fig & Grape, Quince & grape and Blueberry & Grape with stronger cheeses such as Stilton, Blue Cheese, Cheddar and also creamy cheeses such as Brie, Camembert etc.
The Cabernet Pepperberry also goes with any type of cheese but they suggest that you try the Chili Shiraz with creamy cheeses (and some goats cheeses).

So how do you use it? Simple get a cracker, select your cheese and then add a slice of paste (they are quite thick like a solid jam/jelly). If of course you are not a huge fan of cheese you can just eat the paste with crackers on its own - a subtle fruity taste to plain crackers.

Produced in Australia the entire Bio-Grape range is extremely high in antioxidants. The residual skins and seeds of grapes are usually removed from the wine after crushing and wasted, Australian Harvest have discovered that this 'wine waste' is full of goodness and if re-produced into a paste in the correct way (adding the extra fruits etc.) then all that goodness can be consumed for our healthy benefit.

For more information or to purchase online please visit:

Bio-Grape £4.35 .... check website for offers.

My rating: 8/10

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