
19 Jan 2010

Monster Puffs Bars

Monster Puffs - Sugar Puff Bars

On a diet? Eaten too much over the Christmas Break?
I suppose you are snacking on fruit and those 'Only 99 Calories' bars that different snack companies produce.

Tell you what - I'll treat you .... if you are hungry and craving something sweet. gooey, chewy 'and' filling then have a Monster Puffs bar made from Sugar Puffs!

Monster Puffs are only 86 Kcals for the cereal and chocolate bars, 84 Kcals for the cereal and milk bars. That is LESS than the leading 'diet' brands snack bars!!

They are not sickly, the kids love them, hubby doesn't look like a big pansy for eating 'faddy food' and you can pop one in your handbag as a treat for your break.

The best bit is that as they are stuck together with honey that do not get smashed to pieces in your bag or lunchbox .. they stay in one (if a little squashed) piece.

I prefer the milk chocolate drizzled ones to the plain milk variety. The chocolate takes away the 'sugar puffiness' and makes it more like a traditional cereal bar.
So when I get the "I don't fancy breakfast!" whine or if we are running late, I now don't feel guilty about letting Emma eat a cereal bar instead, plus they are a lot easier to eat in the car than a big bowl of Sugar Puffs!!

Available in packs of 4 from all good supermarkets.
Our rating: 10/10 for the chocolate ones, and 9/10 for the plain milk ones.

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