
11 May 2014

Dominos BBQ Melt Pizzas

Dominos NEW 
BBQ Chicken Melt and BBQ Meatball Melt Pizzas

I was asked to review the latest BBQ Melt pizzas from Dominos, of course I jumped a the chance as my family love 'pizza night' and Dominos is a bit of a treat for us.

Andy was chuffed as he loves BBQ sauce based pizzas, he finds that the BBQ sauce (instead of tomato) gives the pizzas more depth and oommph when you eat them, so to be told that we were to review their new BBQ Chicken Melt and BBQ Meatball Melt pizzas he was quite excited.

I had to go to my local branch to order as Dominos had kindly sent me some vouchers, I usually order online as their process is really easy. lets you login with your postcode which links you to your local store, you can select your food from a wide menu, view all the offers, mix & match etc.. and see the price of your order as you go along.   After a few clicks to order you can even see which stage your order is at (preparation, baking, etc...) which is handy for delivery. 

I ordered a large BBQ Meatball Melt and a large BBQ Chicken Melt plus sides of a combo chicken strippers & potato wedges box and some whirly hotdog sausage bread things (they looked quite cool on the menu).

The whole shop smelt fantastic and I was drooling waiting for my order.

At home we unpacked the pizzas, sides and dips and tucked in .... this is where things went a bit wrong :(  

For a start the pizzas did not look like the ones advertised, in the adverts they ooze with extra mozzarella and have a lovely thin crust.
Ours were dry, hard, crispy and didn't seem to have much topping to them.
We seemed to have more crust than cheese.

BBQ Meatball Melt
BBQ Chicken Melt

We were disappointed.
Usually the pizzas from my local Dominos are lovely, full of cheese, overflowing with lots of fresh toppings, yet today .... I don't know what went wrong???  It could just be my local store or they could all look and taste like cardboard - I don't know??

On a plus note the side dishes were lovely! 

The hog dog sausage bread thingys were gorgeous, very soft bread with a garlic & herb dip,very nice.  I would definitely order these again, they also offer lots of different variants of the same product with different fillings.

The combo box I would have liked to be filled with a few more potato wedges but all were cooked to perfection.

The whole order came with lots of different dips which was great, we had Honey & Mustard, Garlic & Herb and BBQ to choose from.

As you can see we polished off the side orders quite quickly, unfortunately the pizzas were not all that great, too much bread/crust, not enough toppings and you couldn't taste the BBQ sauce base at all.

I will return to Dominos as I haven't had any trouble in the past, but I won't be ordering their BBQ Melts again!

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