
18 Dec 2009

Ambrosia Custard Cocktails

Ambrosia Custard Cocktails

"We won't go until we've got some, we won't go until we've got some, so bring some out here!"
They weren't singing about figgy pudding! They were singing for Ambrosia Custard Cocktails :)

Ambrosia what? I hear you cry .... usually custard is for pudding (yes pudding, not dessert as I am common). Lashing of warm creamy custard poured over Christmas pudding or apple pie mmmmmm, a mince pie with a dollop of custard - the perfect Christmas.

Not now. Oh No. We can now drink it too - Ambrosia have developed Christmas Cocktails and the nest thing is .. you can make them at home really simply.

Just like regular cocktails you will need the usual ingredients such as Vodka, ice cubes, Brandy, a shaker, Cointreau, cocktail glass, naked man to serve you ... sorry did I say that out loud?
But you also add in Ambrosia Custard for a really thick, creamy, indulgent cocktail.


1/2 measure Kahlua
1/2 measure Brandy
1 measure Creme de cacao
2 measures Ambrosia Devon Creamy Custard
Mint chocolate finger
Dark chocolate shavings

Pour the Kahlua into the bottom of a Martini glass.
Put some ice cubes into a cocktail shaker and pour in the rest of the ingredients.
Shake well and strain carefully onto the Kahlua in the Martini glass.
Garnish with a mint chocolate finger and a sprinkle of dark chocolate shavings.

Citrus Surprise

2 measure Orange juice
1 measure Vodka
1 measure Cointreau
2 measure Ambrosia Devon Creamy Custard

Put some ice cubes in a cocktail shaker and pour in all the ingredients.
Shake well and strain into a tumbler.
Garnish with a twist of orange peel and serve.

So there you have it ... custard cocktails :)
When the kids are tucked up in bed listening for Santa, you can be sat downstairs in front of a roaring open fire (OK in your dressing gown in front of the radiator) sipping on a luxurious creamy cocktail.

Spoil yourself .... its Christmas !!

Drink sensibly - its OK having a tipple but to be taken to hospital and having to admit you get drunk on custard will be really embarrassing!

Ambrosia Devon Creamy Custard is available from all supermarkets.

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