
20 Dec 2009

Christmas Cookie Cutters

Christmas Cookie Cutters

Day 2 of the Christmas Holidays and all you can hear is "I'm bored!". Piles of presents wrapped waiting to be opened and the kids are driving you insane. Its too cold to go out anywhere, the shops are packed and anyway ... your totally skint! so what can you do?

Baking together is a great family tradition, it gets everyone together and regardless of age or ability there is always something everyone can do.

So aprons on, hands washed and away you go. Recipe book out and mixing bowls at the ready but what should we bake?
In my house one key item decides whether we are going to make cakes or biscuits - eggs! If I have tons of eggs in then fairy cakes are made, if I am running low (or the eggs aren't exactly fresh) then we make biscuits. Icing is simple as its only icing sugar and water .. and we always have a ton of sprinkles to decorate. stock an excellent set of Christmas Cookie Cutters. Well made sturdy metal cutters to cut the thickest of rolled out dough. Each cutter is around 7-9cm in size which are a great size for little and big hands to create masterpieces with.

I also sometimes bake a massive sponge cake in a deep tray then cut out shapes of sponge using cutters, Emma decorates just like regular cakes and they look fantastic. These Christmas Cookie Cutters are also suitable for cutting sponge cake as they are nice and deep.

With an angel shape, reindeer, tree, star, Santa and candy cane, your family will make some great cookies with these cutters. I'm not suggesting they will be edible (depends on your cooking skills) but everyone will have fun anyway!

Recipes for both biscuits and icing are included in the box the set is £8.95 (free postage & packing in the UK).

For more information and other Christmas Gifts please visit:

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