
24 Dec 2009

Vehicle Document File

Vehicle Document File by KTWO

Whenever its time to tax (or sell) the car we run around like mad people trying to find all the documents. The MOT certificate is in one drawer, the V5 Logbook in the filing cabinet, the Insurance Certificate in a pile at the back of my desk .... then we find its the old one ... so where's the new one??

So? What do you buy an untidy car enthusiast that has everything?A Vehicle Document File from KTWO

This practical document file is designed to hold and protect important vehicle documents and make them easy to find. There is space for all the vital documents including MOT certificate, Vehicle Registration, Insurance, Service History and Driving Licence.

The most brilliant part is that with lots of families owning more than one vehicle, this file has been designed to hold up to four full sets of documents.

Space to store MOT certificates, Vehicle Registration, Insurance certificates, Service History and Driving Licence.

The product is 26 x 23 cm which is a great size to store away in a bookcase, cupboard, shelf or drawer.

At £12.99 its a great price for a Christmas or Birthday Present ... even for Valentines day or Easter this document file would make a great present! The future perfect company also sell files to keep your pets documents safe, recipes, gardening info, the family in general and more ... great for adults of all ages.

For more gift ideas please visit

My rating: 10/10

20 Dec 2009

Christmas Cookie Cutters

Christmas Cookie Cutters

Day 2 of the Christmas Holidays and all you can hear is "I'm bored!". Piles of presents wrapped waiting to be opened and the kids are driving you insane. Its too cold to go out anywhere, the shops are packed and anyway ... your totally skint! so what can you do?

Baking together is a great family tradition, it gets everyone together and regardless of age or ability there is always something everyone can do.

So aprons on, hands washed and away you go. Recipe book out and mixing bowls at the ready but what should we bake?
In my house one key item decides whether we are going to make cakes or biscuits - eggs! If I have tons of eggs in then fairy cakes are made, if I am running low (or the eggs aren't exactly fresh) then we make biscuits. Icing is simple as its only icing sugar and water .. and we always have a ton of sprinkles to decorate. stock an excellent set of Christmas Cookie Cutters. Well made sturdy metal cutters to cut the thickest of rolled out dough. Each cutter is around 7-9cm in size which are a great size for little and big hands to create masterpieces with.

I also sometimes bake a massive sponge cake in a deep tray then cut out shapes of sponge using cutters, Emma decorates just like regular cakes and they look fantastic. These Christmas Cookie Cutters are also suitable for cutting sponge cake as they are nice and deep.

With an angel shape, reindeer, tree, star, Santa and candy cane, your family will make some great cookies with these cutters. I'm not suggesting they will be edible (depends on your cooking skills) but everyone will have fun anyway!

Recipes for both biscuits and icing are included in the box the set is £8.95 (free postage & packing in the UK).

For more information and other Christmas Gifts please visit:

18 Dec 2009

Ambrosia Custard Cocktails

Ambrosia Custard Cocktails

"We won't go until we've got some, we won't go until we've got some, so bring some out here!"
They weren't singing about figgy pudding! They were singing for Ambrosia Custard Cocktails :)

Ambrosia what? I hear you cry .... usually custard is for pudding (yes pudding, not dessert as I am common). Lashing of warm creamy custard poured over Christmas pudding or apple pie mmmmmm, a mince pie with a dollop of custard - the perfect Christmas.

Not now. Oh No. We can now drink it too - Ambrosia have developed Christmas Cocktails and the nest thing is .. you can make them at home really simply.

Just like regular cocktails you will need the usual ingredients such as Vodka, ice cubes, Brandy, a shaker, Cointreau, cocktail glass, naked man to serve you ... sorry did I say that out loud?
But you also add in Ambrosia Custard for a really thick, creamy, indulgent cocktail.


1/2 measure Kahlua
1/2 measure Brandy
1 measure Creme de cacao
2 measures Ambrosia Devon Creamy Custard
Mint chocolate finger
Dark chocolate shavings

Pour the Kahlua into the bottom of a Martini glass.
Put some ice cubes into a cocktail shaker and pour in the rest of the ingredients.
Shake well and strain carefully onto the Kahlua in the Martini glass.
Garnish with a mint chocolate finger and a sprinkle of dark chocolate shavings.

Citrus Surprise

2 measure Orange juice
1 measure Vodka
1 measure Cointreau
2 measure Ambrosia Devon Creamy Custard

Put some ice cubes in a cocktail shaker and pour in all the ingredients.
Shake well and strain into a tumbler.
Garnish with a twist of orange peel and serve.

So there you have it ... custard cocktails :)
When the kids are tucked up in bed listening for Santa, you can be sat downstairs in front of a roaring open fire (OK in your dressing gown in front of the radiator) sipping on a luxurious creamy cocktail.

Spoil yourself .... its Christmas !!

Drink sensibly - its OK having a tipple but to be taken to hospital and having to admit you get drunk on custard will be really embarrassing!

Ambrosia Devon Creamy Custard is available from all supermarkets.

15 Dec 2009



This toy is actually a very simple idea, yet really clever and imaginative. Sounds a bit contradicting but let me explain.

The GloDoodle is a see-through box, but the top layer is the drawing screen. You can put anything underneath it and using the special pen (or your finger) trace the outline of the picture or object underneath.

You can copy your favourite colouring book pages, practice your writing, trap and trace your pet hamster (not recommended) ... even trace your best friends face. The possibilities are endless.

So unlike the etch-a-sketch toys you don't have to think of something to draw, you just find something and draw it.

There are 3 colour settings to draw in, an erase function, a stylus pen and an instruction manual. The unit requires 3 x AA batteries to work (not included).

Great for the car, plane, train, afternoon at Grans ... no mess, no fuss, easy to pack and carry.
The GloDoodle is brilliant suitable for ages 3+, with supervision younger children could use this product to practice hand/eye control.

For more information please visit:

RRP: £19.99



Wax ... magical wax that you can bend, twist, mould and form to make different shapes - no paint, no mess, no worries .... totally brilliant !!

I am impressed, when I first looked at the set I thought "Oh no modeling clay!" but it isn't. Bendaroos are thin strands of coloured wax that stick to each other, won't stain your hands or clothes and won't get stuck in the carpet. Very clever stuff.

Each kit comes with everything you need to make at least 4-8 items depending on the size of the kit. Templates are included to help you copy the shapes required and also a set-by-step instruction book for making more complicated items. The templates are picture based so no reading required ... this is great as with the kits being 5+ younger children can play without Mum's help (although supervision is required).

But whats the most impressive feature apart from the wax being family friendly? It is re-usable! You can create and re-create ... so if it all goes wrong the first time, try again.
Bendaroos are a good classic craft kit with no-tears formula. Great stocking fillers for all ages from 5 years upwards.

RRP: £14.99 a set

My rating: 9/10

LIV Fashion Dolls

LIV Fashion Dolls

Daniela, Sophie, Katie & Alexis BBF's in the land of fashion dolls.

So whats different about LIV dolls compared to other brands?
The main exciting feature is their hair.

Remember when after a few months your beloved fashion dolls hair got really ratty, the nylon strands sort of go fluffy from over brushing and you were forever cutting hairbands out of the tangled mop of fuzz? Well LIV fashion dolls come with 'spare hair' :)

Each doll is packaged with the actual doll, accessories (for example: hairbrush, bag, clothes, ear rings) and 2 wigs. One 'hair to wear' on the doll and another to style, trim and generally do what you want with without Mum screaming "Don't cut its hair! Oh!".

Everyone knows that little girls like to cut hair, LIV doll hair doesn't grow back ;) but I am sure you can probably purchase 'wig kits' for LIV girls to replace their chopped locks.
When my husband was little he chopped all the hair off of his sisters Barbie Dolls, she wasn't impressed ... so was further upset to discover that her other brother had wee'd in her Barbie House toilet and flooded the bottom floor.

LIV dolls are are Barbie -size, their bodies are fully-articulated. They do not have massive misshaped heads or look like aliens, it looks like they have inset "glass"-style eyes as well which is a really good quality.
In comparison to other fashion dolls they are quite pretty, with a slogan of 'Real Girls - Real Life' they aren't too far off of the mark. Obviously if they ever made a doll based on my life the clothes would have to be much much wider but the pretty facial features are spot-on (I wish!).

With each doll you also get a code to access LIV World a website dedicated to LIV dolls. Apparently there is each dolls diary online and some interactive features.
The VIP access code seems from what I have researched to only last a year, after a year to gain access you will need a new code, so will have to buy another doll. Maybe they will introduce codes onto accessories in the future?? who knows??

Liv fashion dolls, Daniela, Sophie, Katie and Alexis, will be available from the 1st of November from Argos, Toys R Us, The Entertainer and all good toy stores
RRP £19.99 per doll.
Age 5+ ... aimed at girls aged 6-10 years

For additional information please visit:

My rating: 9/10
Emma's rating: 10/10 especially Sophie as that's her favourite.


Post removed by blog owner

14 Dec 2009

Warburtons Winter Fruit Loaf

Warburtons Winter Fruit Loaf
I love Warburtons, I particularly like the Toastie loaf wrapped in greaseproof paper ... always tastes fresh and the paper wrapping makes it feel like they have made an effort (I know! Don't laugh ... it makes bread feel special!).

I also like Warburtons range of fruit loaves, especially the fruit loaf with orange. This winter Warburtons have brought out a limited edition 'Winter Fruit Loaf'. Their fruit loaf’s traditional recipe has been adapted to offer even more flavour and now includes orange and lemon fruit pieces for a real burst of citrus flavour as well as the delicious tastes of cinnamon, sultanas, currants and spices.

The packaging has been redesigned with a contemporary snowflake pattern reflecting the festive winter season. This new eye-catching packaging reinforces that this is a limited edition and looks really special and Christmassy.

Emma and I both liked the loaf toasted and eaten cold straight from the packet. Emma liked a couple of slices after school toasted and buttered. I happily snacked on a couple of slices buttered with a cup of coffee mid afternoon.
You can eat Warburtons any time of day, for breakfast, mid morning, lunch, snacks, evening ... its tasty and filling anytime. It might just be a fruit loaf but its a treat too!

Warburtons’ 400g Winter Fruit Loaf has a RRP of £1.30. This limited edition is available from early September until the end of December.

My rating: 10/10

12 Dec 2009

Nestle Selection Boxes

Nestle Selection Boxes

"Mmmmmm Chocolate!" hums Homer, "Mine!" shouts my 8 year old daughter when I show her what Nestle kindly sent me to review .... with that the boxes were ripped open and the contents scanned greedily.

Emma decided to keep the Milkybar for her Dad, I was given a KitKat Senses to snack upon while Emma demolished a packet of Smarties.

After a few minutes of taking the sweets out of the box and putting them back in again Emma asked "Where's the big plastic tray with the chocolate sized holes in it?", "Ahh!" I replied and told her about their new super packaging.

Nestles save the planet recycling idea is that every bit of packaging is recyclable. Gone is the big plastic tray that fills up your bin and instead every bit of packaging is made from cardboard. You can flatten the box and put it out with your kerb-side recycling or take it to your local recycling bank.

The Nestle Selection Boxes contain sweets such as Smarties, Fruit Pastels, Kit Kat, Aero, Rolo's, Milkybar, Jelly Tots and Tootie Fruities. This means that for all ages there are confectionery suitable ie.. Milkybar for little people, onto Jelly Tots for the little ones that can run, then up to Smarties and Rolos for the kids, and finally Kit Kat and Aeros for the adults.

My only concern about the packaging is that the box was really really easy to open. Its a flap front opening that can easily open if the box is crushed ... so if you are buying selection boxes as a gift for Christmas then look out for an unsquashed box and be careful when wrapping.

Apart from that .... you can't say no to chocolate can you ;)

My rating: 9/10

10 Dec 2009


Bakugan - Battle Brawlers

The latest craze for boys ... handy pocket sized imagination battle toys perfect for any young boy (and big boys) age 3+

You know how it is, your darling small child asks for a Bakugan set for Christmas, apparently Santa knows all about them (he has had so many on the lists he has been sent that he has done a quick Google search) and now you have to go out and buy some too.

So what are they? To be truthfully honest - I think only small boys really know the answer ;)
as far as my Barbiefied brain can work out you play with them like a game.
You get a pop-out mat the play upon (saves loosing them under the sofa) and some cards, using the cards on the mat you then roll the plastic battle toys over the cards. Special 'Gate Cards' are magic and cause the plastic toys to pop up and transform into mighty warriors .... for endless hours of battlement and pleasure.

There ... see... simple.
Containing 3 Bakugan balls, 3 Gate Cards and 3 Ability Cards, the Starter Pack is the perfect way to start building your Bakugan collection and get brawling. These small spheres magnetically morph into powerful Bakugan warriors when they roll onto the cards. So you only need a few to start you off ... then if the craze continues your children can collect the rest of the set.

For more information and to view all the different sets available please visit:

If you search online there are also beanbags, duvet sets, curtains etc... themed with Bakugan - so they must be pretty big in a boys world. They even have their own cartoon series on cartoon Network everyday at 4pm!
Unfortunately they were not met with much enthusiasm in our house as Emma is obviously a girl and into girly stuff.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers have been named in Toys R Us hot toy list for Christmas 2009. I can see why they are popular as they are pocket sized, require no batteries and are pretty inexpensive compared with other toys.

Definitely a great stocking filler for young children this Christmas -
Available from all good toy retailers.

8 Dec 2009

Bio-Grape Pastes

Bio-Grape Pastes

Cheese. Boring? Fattening? A luxury? An everyday item? Cheese has many different uses and regardless of your families background or status you most likely use cheese in one way or another.

We like cheese sauces (especially with cauliflower), cheese on toast, cheese sandwiches and my favourite is cheese on crackers.

With Christmas coming up you see lots of different cheeses appear in the supermarkets, the Cheddar's and Red Leicester's take a back seat to make way for various soft cheeses, cheeses with apricots or cranberry, cheese with wax rinds, cheese so strong you can taste it for a week and cheeses from other countries.

Every household normally has a big selection box of crackers at Christmas (cream crackers not the ones with the BANG and the silly joke), in our family you know its Christmas when my Mother-in-law buys a box and my Father-in-law starts waffling on about 'a nice bit of blue cheese' and the year of his port in the cupboard.

This year our cheese & crackers after Christmas Dinner are going to be special, this year we also have Bio-Grape Pastes to add to our laden crackers to compliment our cheese and bring out the flavour. Gone are the 'You must eat this cheese with grapes' law as we are replacing our seedless grapes with succulent grape paste.

Australian Harvest's Bio-Grape are a new range of organic pastes, they come in many different flavours and variations, so like wine you have a taste to compliment different flavours and strengths of cheeses (or foods as you can just use the pastes like a jelly and eat them on crackers on their own).

You can enjoy Bio-Grape pastes with any type of cheese, but they suggest you try the fruity pastes, such as Fig & Grape, Quince & grape and Blueberry & Grape with stronger cheeses such as Stilton, Blue Cheese, Cheddar and also creamy cheeses such as Brie, Camembert etc.
The Cabernet Pepperberry also goes with any type of cheese but they suggest that you try the Chili Shiraz with creamy cheeses (and some goats cheeses).

So how do you use it? Simple get a cracker, select your cheese and then add a slice of paste (they are quite thick like a solid jam/jelly). If of course you are not a huge fan of cheese you can just eat the paste with crackers on its own - a subtle fruity taste to plain crackers.

Produced in Australia the entire Bio-Grape range is extremely high in antioxidants. The residual skins and seeds of grapes are usually removed from the wine after crushing and wasted, Australian Harvest have discovered that this 'wine waste' is full of goodness and if re-produced into a paste in the correct way (adding the extra fruits etc.) then all that goodness can be consumed for our healthy benefit.

For more information or to purchase online please visit:

Bio-Grape £4.35 .... check website for offers.

My rating: 8/10

Dairy Diary

Dairy Diary

There is always one person in your family who is really really hard to buy for at Christmas, this year I have found the answer to the "What do you buy a female relation who falls into the 25-100 age bracket?" (as we all ask that question out loud don't we!).
A Dairy Diary

The Dairy Diary isn't a diary with cows on the front! Its a very informative handy to keep diary.
The front cover is hard wearing and inside is a handy pocket for keeping notes, recipes, shopping lists or anything else that you would like to slip in for safe keeping.

After the usual diary stuff - personal info and a yearly planner .. the magic starts:
Printed in easy to read text is a whole section about Facts & Figures :) including Home Budgeting, Metric Conversions, Height & Weight Charts, Anniversary's, Birthstones and Flowers, and even Roman Numerals. Printed clearly is a ruler .. for when you are out on the move and quickly need to measure something (Its only 6" so don't get too excited girls!).

I was beginning to love this diary as when I hit the next section 'Food for thought' I called out to Andy "Andy Andy! They have included a recipe for a simple white sauce!". Andy really wasn't bothered with the white sauce but did have a good read of the recipe for a caramel sauce.

The following section is 'Home And Leisure', this contains hints and tips for everything from preparing fresh flowers to stain removal. All handy and interesting stuff, included is even a simple step-by-step introduction to cross stitch ... all in a diary!!

With 'Health & Beauty' which includes a fantastic section on First Aid, 'Travel' with maps and timezones then 'Diary Recipes' you could be reading for hours .... all this is before you even get to the actual diary part.

Each diary page is set as one week over a double page spread. Each day is a good sized box to write information in, and in the bottom right hand corner of each week is a very tasty seasonal recipe. With room for your own notes and a recipe index .. this diary will almost certainly keep you interested and entertained all year! Its a fantastic gift and a must-have for every woman.

The Dairy Diary on its own is £6.50 but for an extra £2.75 you can buy a Dairy Diary Gift Pack (See photo at the top).

The gift pack contains a Mini Diary and a Wooden Book Stand as well as a fully informative Dairy Diary. This is an excellent set and a perfect gift.

Please visit or call 0845 0945 128 for more information and to order.
My rating: 10/10 it's great!!

4 Dec 2009

Brown and Harris

English Rose - Linen Water

I was surprised with Brown & Harris's linen water as it has a very subtle fragrance. Being lightly scented with rose it smells quite sweet but with an undertone of washing powder.

In the past I have stayed away from putting fragranced water into my iron as the smell of the water never seems to compliment my washing .... as I use quite a strong lingering powder you can still smell the washing powder on the clean clothes for quite a while later.

I used English Rose linen water on some washing that had been washed and dried a while ago, I ran the iron over and found the fragrance so subtle it refreshed the clothes instead of making them smell false.

Brown & Harris have designed a very good product, even Andy was pretty impressed and liked the fragrance that it left on his work shirts.

English Rose (Rose Anglaise) Conditioning Hand Wash

Again, a very subtle fragrance that left my hands with a slight rose perfume. The hand wash foamed quickly yet washed off easily (with no slimy residue), I found that it washed away quickly and easily from underneath my rings where other hand soaps seem to get clogged.

After a few uses I could tell that it was a conditioning hand wash as my skin felt moisturised and soft. With all the bacterial hand gels that I use at work my hands are pretty dry and scaly, this hand wash was soothing and kind to my skin while doing a brilliant job at cleaning at the same time.

English Rose Drawer & Wardrobe Sachets

These always remind me of old people, in fact I have given a set of these to my Nan for Christmas (oh what a kind and thoughtful Granddaughter I am). In reality they are actually very very useful.

They are fragrance with the same English Rose as the linen water, sweet rose with a washing powder after-smell. To pop a couple of these in your bedroom drawers they will keep your clean dry linen fresher for longer. I am also very impressed with the wardrobe hanger ... my best clothes are hung in my wardrobe so to be able to keep them fresh smelling instead of musty is a brilliant idea.

Gone are the 'moth balls' days, you can now subtly fragrance your clothing with a delicate scent simply and easily.

My rating: 9/10

2 Dec 2009

Roxy Headphones

Roxy Headphones

Years ago to wear BIG headphones was seriously 'uncool' then all of a sudden with the 'retro' look being back in ... BIG headphones are the top funky coolest headphones around.

Now I am pretty sad as I have preferred outer ear headphones all along. I am always the unfashionable one pieced-swimsuit sunbathing on the beach with my sponge headphones over my ears (I have a permanent white circle on my ears where they have shaded me from the sun) and everyone else can hear the beat of what I am listening too ... until now.

JBL have brought out some amazing brightly coloured headphones. Roxy are covered in a really really soft velvet that fit snuggly over your ears. The head piece is also covered in velvet so they sit comfortable on your head too (great for bald people).

In the pack is a contrasting fabric padded case for storage to keep them clean and tidy.
Roxy fold neatly and are easy to use, even Emma (8) quickly learnt how to fold them up and put them inside the case quickly and easily.

Roxy 430 headphones are the perfect travel companion, apart from being easy to pack they give great protection from outside noise (and the world from you). They fit nicely on your head and comfortably tight on your ears .. not too tight but not too loose.

The 3.5mm stereo mini jack is compatible with MP3 Players, Mobile Phones, other audio players and gaming systems.

The Roxy Headphones are stylish yet classy ... appealable to any age who want to look funky but still be comfy and practical.

Roxy have also developed a set of 'ear bud' headphones (ref 230)with the same styling as the 'outer ear' headphones. Again these come with a practical case for storage which is great for when you are on the move and finally reach your destination - no more tangled headphones in your pocket.

Smaller than the outer headphones but with the same quality and sound, these little headphones are a great stocking filler for the music lover in your life. Again the jack is suitable for all MP3, Mobile Phones, Gaming Systems and other audio players.


REF430PO Over ear with adjustable headband, compatible with all iPods, and any
stereo product with 3.5mm mini jack connector, folding design with
matching carry pouch, Pink/Orange

REF430GB Over ear with adjustable headband, compatible with all iPods, and any
stereo product with 3.5mm mini jack connector, folding design with
matching carry pouch, Green/Blue

REF230OP Ear bud style, compatible with all iPods, and any stereo product with
3.5mm mini jack connector, includes carry case. Orange/Pink

REF230BG Ear bud style, compatible with all iPods, and any stereo product with
3.5mm mini jack connector, includes carry case. Blue/Green

Top Toys For Christmas - Cheat Sheet

Top Toys For Christmas - Cheat Sheet

We are all busy ... all work and no play, so when the 'Letter To Santa' gets sent and a pleading child starts to leave the Argos book open on your desk covered in Post-its .. what do you do?

a) Drop everything, jump in the car and drive until you reach Toys R Us .. hoping everything is in stock?

b) Get online order everything at the first price you see and hope its delivered by Christmas?

c) Send your Mother-in-law out with a list and a wad of cash?


d) Check for the best prices and a ready-made list of what your child really wants for Christmas (along with the rest of the population).

Well I hope you answered D ... The Frugal Crew has compiled a handy list of the must-haves this Christmas and loads of handy links that take you straight there ... simple!

Christmas - without the stress :)
Have a good one !!

Total Greek Yogurt

Total Greek Yogurt

I'll admit ... Greek Yogurt has always been, well, a bit Greek to me! When buying yogurt I have always been lazy (and unadventurous) and have purchased the usual 6-pack of strawberry processed rubbish because, well its easy and everyone likes them.

I have had the chance to broaden my culinary skills by trying Total Greek Yogurt, available from leading supermarkets it is on the shelves ready to buy ... its just that I never have - until now.

Did you know that you can use Greek Yogurt with Roast Shoulder of Spiced Lamb? No nor did I until the lovely people from Total sent me a really good cookbook to tempt me. The yogurt for the lamb is actually a marinade, now fancy that! You can use Total Greek Yogurt for soups, pate, salads, fishcakes, chicken, loads of fancy puddings and even good old fairy cakes.

I am astounded! Its like Total have opened my eyes to the fact that cakes are not always made from butter, sugar, flour and eggs - if you add yogurt you still produce a cake, but a much smoother more muffin type cake .... you can use Total Greek Yogurt for the toppings too.

Above is an example of a recipe - I know you cannot read the details properly (don't worry its only an example). Here is the link to the above recipe online. Plus! If you visit this link there are loads of different recipes for you to choose from, everything from Starters to Desserts ... scrummy stuff.

Also from their website is the following information about TOTAL Greek Yoghurt that you may not know:
Total Greek Yoghurt is made from completely natural ingredients. Total Greek Yoghurt is live, pasteurised and contains no artificial additives, preservatives or thickeners. Total has no added sugars or sweeteners, just naturally occurring lactose.

Total Greek Yoghurt is a good source of protein. Protein is essential for the body to function properly. It’s used to help build up and maintain body tissue and for enzyme development.
Yoghurt plays an important role in nutrition. Produced by fermenting milk with healthy cultures, yoghurt contains the same number of calories as milk – but it’s easier to digest.

Vegetarians can eat Total Greek Yoghurt. And it’s also suitable for diabetics, pregnant women and people on gluten-free diets.

So now you can tuck into that Total Banana Smoothie, followed by Total's Penne with Wild Mushrooms, with Total Christmas Pavlova to finish .. and not feel an ounce of guilt as Total Greek Yogurt is good for you.

For more information please visit:
Available from all major Supermarkets - look out for deals in the chilled areas.

Excuse me ... I'm off to make a Carrot Cake with Total Greek Yogurt cream cheese topping!

1 Dec 2009


Pampers Active

Eight years ago when I had my daughter the only nappies that I found not the leak were Pampers, I tried various brands but none stood up as good as Pampers did.

When my daughter was born she was only 2lb 1oz, she had to wear premature nappies and only Tesco made them small enough. When she was big enough for regular nappies Pampers brought out 'New Baby' where both 'pee & poo' are taken away from the skin. They were great! My daughters nappy rash improved and I was hooked on Pampers from then on.

As she grew Pampers grew with her, I found the fit to be closer to her legs than other brands without restricting movement. Her bodysuits were never damp or stained around the gusset from leakage after a nights (well between 4 hour feeds) sleep.

I also found the closures to stick better and I could fold the tops over to protect her tummy from rubbing on the nappy as she had a hernia (her tummy button stuck out like a balloon).

We progressed onto Active Fit and I am happy to say that their standard hasn't slipped at all over the past 7 years. My nieces both wear Size 4+ Active Fit, my Mother-in-Law buys nappies to keep at her house for when they come to visit ... and even she buys Pampers as she knows they are the best quality for money.

Both Kathryn and Allisia run around fine, their legs are not restricted and even when crawling the nappy still holds secure. When changing Pampers are easy to tuck under their backs/bum and have enough stretch to close evenly even with a wiggly 1 year old to contend with.

To match the nappies Pampers also make wet wipes, we use the Sensitive Wipes as they are kind to skin - wherever the skin maybe. We use them for dirty hands, sticky faces and cleaning nappy areas for the children, plus make-up removal and cleansing for myself.

Pampers Sensitive are not overly scented, they actually remind me of 'babies' .. I know that sounds silly, but I also know that you know what I mean ;)

They are also a good size, slightly bigger than my hand and quite stretchy and strong. They could do with being a little damper but they are wet enough to give a good clean.

Sensitive wipes contain aloe vera and chamomile, each have soothing and healing properties which are a must for sore nappy areas. If you think of having your bum on warm damp fabric and then being wiped over with a cool wet soothing wipe - imagine how nice that must feel :)

Pampers are a top product in our family, you receive top quality that has been produced with Mum's and Babies in mind. I would recommend Pampers every time.

Pampers Active Fit Size 4+: 27 nappies per pack. Maxi Plus = 9-20kg / 20-44lbs.

Pampers Sensitive Wipes + Aloe & Chamomile: 63 wipes per pack. For More Information.

Totally Funky

Totally Funky

Secret Santa's, Stocking Fillers ... all things we think about purchasing gifts for at this time of year - but what do we buy?

A perfect mini-present are these lip glosses from Totally Funky, they are brilliant!!

The set of 4 'chocolate' lip glosses are great for any female (age 6+) they are shaped like posh chocolates and are flavoured to match: Praline Princess, Mocha Cherry, Rose Swirl and Vanilla Fancy.

You could use them as a set as a stocking filler or wrapped as a Secret Santa gift. Another great idea is to put one inside different home made crackers as the gift or as a Christmas Favour on a set table for Christmas Day dinner.

I would love to receive these as would Emma (age 8), she is pretty taken with them and has asked to use them as gifts for her friends for her 9th birthday party ... I am 'thinking about it' as they would also make a fantastic Secret Santa present for a friend of mine ...hmmm decisions.

But what about the men?
Well yes Lip gloss is a bit girly .. but Lip balm is for everyone !!

Also from Totally Funky are these Christmas Pudding and Mince Pie Lip balm sets. The Christmas Pudding style tastes like chocolate but the Mince Pie tastes exactly like mince pies !! Funky!!

Again great as a Secret Santa gift, or inside a Christmas Cracker. A Christmas Day favour or even as a Stocking Filler for a 'New Man' type man. Girls will love these too and with them being 'different' they can be used as a great talking piece at any party.

Chocolate Heaven Lip Gloss: £6.99

Christmas Pudding Lip Balm: £2.99

Mince Pie Lip Balm: £2.99

Please visit Totally Funky for more great gifts !!

My rating: 10/10 !!

Plum Organic Supersnacks

Plum Organic Supersnacks

Plum offer a wide range of Organic Supersnacks for babies and toddlers of all ages.
Their food range covers from 4 months+ including dinners and tasty puddings, tempting combinations such as: Pumpkin, Carrot and Mango
(Ingredients: Organic pumpkin (30%), Organic carrots (22%), Organic mango (17%), Organic quinoa flakes (5%))
and Blueberry, Banana and Vanilla
(Ingredients: Organic banana (54%), Organic blueberries (23%), Organic quinoa flakes (2%), Organic lemon juice, Organic real vanilla extract (0.03%)).

I have been taste testing their Supersnack range for toddlers age 7 months+ and to be honest they are actually really really nice.

My nieces like biscuits, they will quite happily munch away between meals and know exactly where I keep my biscuit tin. Snacks are great for toddlers but remember that for a healthy diet you should keep them as 'snacks' or 'treats' and try not to let them overindulge on extras so that they do not eat their proper dinners.

So why am I impressed with Plum snacks?
To start with they do not taste too sweet, they are not full of refined sugar as instead they include Organic Spelt Syrup. In fact they contain organic 'everything' as all ingredients from apple puree to sunflower oil are all organic.

As a rule Plum products contain: No added salt or refined sugar, No hydrogenated fats, No artificial flavours, No artificial colours, No preservatives, No added egg and some products contain No added dairy.

The main brilliant feature that I am most impressed with is that the snacks in each pack (Spelt Fingers & Oat Rounds) are individually wrapped. No more opening the packet and having to waste loads as the rest go soft, no more crumbs in the bottom of your handbag or having to take the whole box with you in the bottom of your buggy! You can just take a pack (or two) of snacks out of the box and off you go - brilliant!

If your little-one goes to playgroup, nursery, childminders you can easily send snacks along with them. You will also know 'how many' snacks are given to your child in a day as you are able to easily send 1 or 2 packs for an adult to give your child - without feeding them unnecessary snacks throughout the day.

The Milky Moons (12 months+) are all together in one big bag, but as they are so nice (they are traditionally baked with chamomile and vanilla) I'm sure you too will tuck into a couple with a nice cup of tea. A great pack of biscuits to keep in your tin to nibble on for the whole family they are quite crunchy and taste like a proper biscuit, they are a nice moon shape so great for little hands to hold - be careful though, they are very 'moreish' :)

For more information about Plum's snack range please visit:

You can purchase Plum products online, from all major supermarkets, some independent retailers and even Toys R Us!!

My ratings:
Milky Moons with chamomile and vanilla 9/10
Oat Rounds with orange oil and ginger 8/10
Spelt Fingers with apple 7/10

29 Nov 2009

Photobox - Photobook

Photobox - Photobook

I decided to gather together all of my daughters baby photos and have them printed into a book as a keepsake. I do have an album of her photos but since 'scrapbooking' has become popular I find that traditional photo albums look old and boring compared to what scrapbooker's are producing these days.

So why don't I whip out all the photos form my album and scrapbook them? Good question ... I don't have the time and I personally find scrapbooking really really fiddly.
This is where Photobox comes in. Photobox have some brilliant 'scrapbook' style photobooks on their website that you can personalise and there is no glue involved !

I registered for a free account on and chose which style of photobook I would like from the huge range available. Do not worry if you 'don't have a clue' as they have a guide to give you inspiration

I chose the baby style as featured in the image at the top of this page. You get a choice of layouts and you can preview each style, this is quite a handy feature as depending on your type/style of photographs you can find a layout to suit.

Following the instructions I started to upload my photos to 'my account', this seemed to take forever as even though I had chosen a 26 page book ... I didn't know how many photos it would hold and so didn't know how many to upload.

After about an hour all my photos were ready to use, I know an hour seems a little long ... but the time will depend on your Internet connection speed and also how busy the Photobox site is.

To add your photos to the pages is really really easy - you just drag and drop them into the spaces. You can resize and move each image around until you are happy with the presentation. I only had to tweak a few photos as the rest looked brilliant straight away.
There is also a guide as to how 'good' your image is, is it too light or dark? in focus? fuzzy? not a good upload etc... this tells you how clear the image will be once printed in the book.

A brilliant feature (which other personalised product photo sites do not offer) is that as you use each photo it puts a tick next to it - so that you do not accidentally use the same image twice. I found this fantastic as I had used another site to make a calender and I got very muddled with my images - Photobox was a much much easier set up to use.

You have te option to add captions and to remove the Photobox logo from the back page. this link shows an example of the types of fonts, colours and sizes you can use to annotate your personalised photobook.

The photobook's are printed on 170gsm gloss paper, I am actually really impressed with the finish as it is a good quality hard wearing book. The images are bright and clear which I am surprised at as we didn't use the best quality camera back in 2000 to take them. You can tell the difference between the camera used on our later photos as they have come out a little less grainy ... so if your photos are good quality you will be seriously impressed with the printing quality of the book.

Each book will take around 5 working days to be delivered, so if you are ordering for a Christmas present then I would order as soon as possible in the run-up to Christmas to make sure it is here on time. I ordered mine on a Tuesday night and it was delivered to me on the Saturday - so they can be pretty quick!

The prices vary depending on what you order: style, size, how many pages, etc.... I didn't find the pricing very clear which was a big downside. I did get a little worried about costing and so chose the Classic A4 Photobook (basic one) this was £22.99 + postage.

I am really really happy with my Photobox Photobook, it is something this I will treasure and I hope my daughter will too.

My rating: 9/10

27 Nov 2009

Reading Notes

Reading Notes

Are you part of a Book Reading Group or just like to read?
Do you ever forget what books you have read or what you thought of a particular book or author?

Reading Notes is a handbag sized notebook which is the perfect companion for the avid reader. The book is set out with spaces for you to fill in details about each book you have read (or would like to read). giving you room to make notes such as: Title, Author, Date read, and any Reading Notes that you have about each book (ie.. did you like it? did the story flow? was the ending what you expected?).

Keep it handy in the library so that you don't accidentally take out a book you have already read, or use it to remind yourself about books you may like to read again. You can even use it as a gift guide for fellow readers if you know what genre or style of books that they like to read - then you can buy from your own experience.

Its nice to see that someone is thinking beyond the 'book' for a hobby, gone are the days of scribbled notes on a book mark. With a Reading Notes notebook you can be organised at your book club meets and help along the discussion with your own thoughts quickly and easily.

I would have liked the notebook to have had some kind of order to it, eg... alphabetical sections like an address book of authors or titles, so that you can refer back to a listing quickly, but maybe the designer could think about that idea for a future idea.

Reading Notes is a nifty little handy book - a great gift idea or an addition to your overflowing book collection.

Single copies £5.99 each

My rating: 8/10

jackson reece Natural Wipes

Jackson Reece Natural Wipes

Wet wipes - what do we use them for?
Cleaning babies bums, cleaning babies/children's mucky faces, cleaning hands, taking off make-up, sanitizing on the move, personal care, plus more....

I use wipes for most of the above, I use them on my children (daughter and nieces), my students for their personal care routines and also on myself. Over the years I have used many brands and I admit I do have my favourites.

So what makes a good wetwipe?
The size is important, no point having a measly little square that is dirty and dry after one swipe.
The dampness is a top priority, not too dripping but not too dry either.
How soft the wipe leaves your skin - Does it leave a sticky film? Is it full of chemicals that dry skin?
The fragrance, is it pleasant? Is it overpowering? Does it smell clinical or fresh?
How well does the wipe clean and sanitise the area? Does it make your skin/eyes sting?

All of the above have to be considered depending on use, but if I am to use a wet wipe on my child or face then I would like one that is the best that I can buy using the kindest of ingredients...... this is where jackson reece excel in the totally brilliant wipes category.

jackson reece have developed a totally natural, high purity water, no alcohol, parabens, SLS or SLES, bio-degradable wet wipe. Each sheet is the size of an A5 sheet of paper which I feel is not too big and not too small, they are also pretty thick and strong (so no putting your finger in poo moments).

When you wipe as you are actually infusing the skin with a balanced blend of organic tea tree oil, aloe vera and lavender oil .. all which hold soothing healing properties. Combined with natural purity water you can be safe knowing that there are no nasty chemicals added in.

I do find the fragrance a little overpowering, but it isn't a nasty fragrance it does smell fresh and not commercial or fake.

Each wipe is quite damp which I am very impressed with, I don't like a wipe to be too wet or dry. The fabric seems to soak up the liquid and even after 10 minutes out in the air the wipe is still damp enough to wipe over my hands.

A final top feature about jackson reece wipes is that they are bio-degradable, everything from the wipes to the packaging bio-degrade quicker than regular wipes which is great for the environment.

All-in-all I like jackson reece wipes, price wise they are pretty affordable at around £1.99 for 72 wipes.

Available from Sainsburys and Superdrug plus online stores, for more information please visit:

My rating: 9/10

Lynx - Christmas Giftset

Lynx - Cinema Click

Hands Up .. who has ever brought a Lynx Giftset as a stocking filler for the man in your life?
I bet you all have! I find that men's Christmas stockings are never complete without a) a Terry's Chocolate Orange and b) A Lynx Giftset :) they just have to be included FACT.

This year Lynx have brought out a really good range of gifts including:
Lynx Skin Contact – Skin Contact hydrating shower balm and Skin Contact fresh care aftershave balm.
Lynx Recover Morning After – Recover body spray, Recover shower gel and a colour changing alarm clock with wake-up voice.
Lynx Africa Aftershave and Body spray – Lynx Africa body spray and aftershave.
Lynx Manwash Pack – Boost shower gel, Vice body spray and the Ultimate Lynx Manwasher.
Lynx Dark Temptation Dry – Dark Temptation anti-perspirant and extra-large Dark Temptation shower gel.
Lynx Instinct Wash Bag – Instinct body spray, Instinct and Dark Temptation shower gel in a premium wash bag.
Lynx Instinct Body spray and shower gel – Instinct body spray and Instinct shower gel.
Lynx Africa Body spray and shower gel - Africa body spray and shower gel.
Lynx Mini Traveller – Mini Africa body spray, Instinct anti-perspirant, Instinct shower gel and Fever shower gel in a mini washbag.
Lynx Trio - Fever shower gel, body spray and Recover shower gel.
Lynx Cinema 2 for 1 – Click shower gel, body spray and an Odeon 2 for 1 cinema voucher.
Lynx Eau de Toilette and body spray – Instinct body spray and eau de toilette.

Men these days seem to care a little more about their presentation, maybe its the TV programmes that help (eg.. 'How to look good wearing skanky Y-Fronts,' sorry I mean 'How to look good naked') or just the adverts for different male products in general.

I have had a good browse over the Lynx Cinema Click Giftset, it includes 150ml Click deodorant bodyspray and 250ml click shower gel ... and a 2 for 1 cinema voucher for any ODEON in the UK or UCI Cinema in the Republic of Ireland.

The ticket is on the box ready to cut out, the rest of the packaging can possibly be recycled with your doorstep recycling pickup service.

Click is supposed to be a male scent - but I quite like it, I would use it myself instead of perfume. Its not too manly and can be used as a highlight scent if used appropriately. I am impressed with the deodorant bodyspray as it has a special twisty top which means it is great for a gym bag as there is no top to loose ... you just twist and spray!

The showergel matches the Click spray scent and again is very acceptable for women to use too (obviously have a smell first - not all women would like it). Handy shaped ergonomic bottle with grip features for ease of use in the shower.

I think the 2 for 1 cinema ticket offer is a great idea .. you will save at least £5+ at the cinema with the ticket which for the price of the giftset is a really really good deal. Just make sure you wear your new Lynx Click spray so you smell nice during the film.

Lynx giftsets are available from all major supermarkets and highstreet chemists.
My rating: 9/10

25 Nov 2009

Organic Meltdown - Chocolate

Mmmm chocolate - now I like chocolate, not all chocolate (I don't like those seashell ones that taste powdery), but most other chocolate gets eaten pretty quickly in our house.

This week I discovered Organic Meltdown chocolate, usually when you sit and scoff your face with a big bar of delicious and creamy chocolate you feel guilty (right?) but this chocolate is clever .... it saves trees!
Delicious chocolate + Good conscience = A winning combo from Organic Meltdown

Organic Meltdown chocolate, is the first product of its type to save a tree for every chocolate bar sold. You buy the Organic Fairtrade chocolate, type the code from the wrapper onto their website ... and hey presto! a tree is saved. Sounds easy, which for us it is ... but I am sure there is a lot of hard work tree saving somewhere in a rainforest on our behalf.

Organic Meltdowns website states "We want organic and Fair-trade chocolate to be more than just a product. Chocolate needs to reflect the rich natural diversity of the tropical forests in the foothills of the Andes Mountains where cocoa beans were first discovered many millennia ago. These forests, the ancestral home of cocoa, are threatened with extinction and Organic Meltdown chocolate is the only product of any type to save a living, breathing tropical forest tree for every bar of chocolate we sell." so to buy a bar from Organic Meltdown actually helps you do your bit of the environment - fancy that!

So whats the chocolate like? Its actually very nice. Every ones taste buds are different, not everyone likes dark chocolate ... but even their dark was quite creamy and not bitter like other brands.

Sweet Candied Orange: A zing of orange and a crunch of sweetness rounds off the 'not too bitter' edge to this 'not too dark' chocolate.

Hazelnuts & Currants: There's hazelnuts in hoards and currants galore heading this trio of textures. Once bitten, thrice smitten.

Milk: Starts with a velvety waft of cream and butter and ends with eye-closing sensuality. It's more than chocolate.

Dark: Marked by a profound depth of taste and a satin-smooth texture this truly dark chocolate is certainly not plain.

All bars are Gluten Free & Vegetarian Approved. All bars except the Milk variety is Vegan Approved. They are proud to wear the Vegetarian Logo on the packaging of all their Organic Meltdown chocolate bars, to shout about the fact they use absolutely no animal by-products in the production their recipes. is full to the brim with information about Organic produce, Fairtrade and how the company saves trees. Please take a look and support their cause - treat yourself to some chocolate :) you know you want too!!

My rating: 10/10

Camouflage Bags & Storage

Camouflage Duffle Carrier

When the duffle carrier arrived, I have honestly never seen such a well packaged product. It was neatly folded and encased with a thin cardboard slip, holding it all together was two strips of webbing personalised with ' and attached with Velcro at each end.

I was very excited about this product and carefully removed the bag from its packaging. The plastic tarpaulin fabric of the bag is very very sturdy and strong, cleverly printed with bright patterns and each handle double stitched - I think that if looked after this bag could last forever.

But then the trouble started, using the very clear instructions included I set about putting the bag together. It arrives as a flat sheet which is brilliant as a boot liner for the car - you have to put the Velcro together at the corners and pull the strings to close the bag into a 'duffle' style.
My bag seemed bulky and misshaped :( so my Dad had a go. He too ended up with a big bulky bag that didn't seem to sit right.

We feel that the plastic coated fabric is 'too thick and sturdy' for the style of bag. OK it is very strong, but it doesn't fold very well at the corners and the handles insist on falling back inside the bag.

However - I love this bag and would like to use it to transport my washing from the washing machine (by putting the bag flat onto the floor I can empty the wet washing onto it) to the line or tumble dryer (I can then put the bag together to make a waterproof bag to transport my wet washing). I am going to persevere, I think my strings are on the wrong side as if it has been strung incorrectly (mine are in the middle) and also I might even turn the bag completely inside out and see if the corners are better in the inside instead of the outside.

From a design point of view the idea is brilliant - the materials used are top quality - but I think the shape should have been a circle to obtain the shape and style most suitable for the bag. Think wedding favours - you know when you have a circle of netting and you make it into a parcel with almonds inside .... the bag should go together like that.

The idea is there, the uses are fantastic and the packaging and instructions are top class ... I think we will be seeing some great storage solutions from Camouflage in the near future.

For more storage bags and boxes visit:

My rating: 6/10 points for quality of materials.

Otrivine - Adult

Otrivine - Adult

Otrivine is a nasal spray which works as a decongestant to unblock your stuffy nose and help you breathe easier.

Nasal spray ... its not what you think :) this isn't a 'spray' its more of a mist. I gave it a go, the instructions said "Squeeze bottle and sniff at the same time" so I did, I was waiting for a shock of water being squirted up my nose - but nothing happened!
I was about to have another go then I realised I could smell faint cherries (well I think its cherries, my husband says its something else 'but doesn't know what' .... helpful).

What happens is: as you sniff and squeeze a small drop of liquid almost like a mist goes up your nose, as it isn't much it travels deep inside your nasal cavities and within minutes starts to gently clear your blocked nose.
Each application can last for up to 10 hours which is great as the dosage suggests that you should only use Otrivine 2 or 3 times a day.

Small and compact bottle, great for keeping in your pocket, bag or office drawer - handy for when you need it. can be useful for colds, hay fever and sinusitis.

Consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant or on other medication - just in case.
Not to be used by children under 12 years.

Available from supermarkets and high street chemists.

My rating: 9/10